Low Carb Garlic Bread


For more low carb bread recipes click below:

Low Carb Bread Ideas


This low carb bread recipe only includes every day low carb pantry essentials. You more than likely have all these at home right now.

All you need to make the bread recipe is:

  • Mozzarella – Use the pre-shredded full fat mozzarella from the supermarket.
  • Cream Cheese – Use Philadelphia or similar as it is a better consistency than cheaper brands like Aldi.
  • Yeast – Use instant Yeast sachets
  • Inulin – It activates the yeast. Sweeteners do not. If you do not have it then I suggest you use 1 tsp of sugar or honey. Don’t worry as the yeast does consume the carbs.
  • Eggs – Use the freshest of free range eggs. Free range eggs have higher Omegas and better taste.  Use room temperature eggs. Room temperature eggs eliminate the “eggy” flavour sometimes associated with low carb baking.
  • Almond flour – the flour is finer and gives a better result.
  • Baking powder
  • Xanthan gum – helps to create gluten like structure to low carb  baking.
  • Herbs – just pick what you like or substitute 1 tbsp of Italian dried herbs.


Here are the best tips to make the perfect low carb Garlic Bread every single time.

  • Yeast should be foamy and thick with virtually all the liquid consumed by the yeast. Sugar or honey can be used in place of the inulin however sweeteners cannot as they do not feed the yeast.
  • Any herbs can be used. Alternatively any pesto, spreads, cinnamon and sweetener for a sweet variety etc. Use a food processor to ensure the butter is creamy and easy to spread. Plus with the herbs blending it helps get a nicely coloured spread
  • Whether you are using a food processor to combine the dough or a spatula you must continue to work the dough until it is not longer sticky. If you do not do this the dough is very difficult to work with.
  • It is best to roll the dough between 2 pieces of baking paper. Plus the dough sticks to nothing. Press the dough out very thinly to approximately 25cm in diameter. You want each layer to be thin so that the fathead cooks all the way through.
  • The garlic butter (or flavour of choice) should be spread very thinly between layers. Remember that fathead is “fatty” and more oil or fat will make the bread softer and oilier.
  • When cutting the dough into the strips for the stars do not cut all the way into the centre. Cut from the indentation mark all the way out to the edge. I 100% recommend using a pizza wheel or pastry wheel for this as it does not tear the dough. Garnish with any spices or seeds you may prefer. I am not a fan of egg basted fathead but if you want to go there then be my guest.
  • Be gentle and twist only the once with each strip before pressing the ends together. While in traditional Bread they twist twice fathead is not as stretchy as it contains no gluten.
  • Season with what ever you please. Chilli flakes would be awesome too. Bake 25-30 minutes or until golden and cooked through. I use a Fan forced oven, so adjust the cooking time according to your oven and taste.
  • The dough is best used immediately and while still warm.
  • The bread can be made ahead and left out to rise for an hour then left in the fridge overnight before baking the following day.
  • Store in the fridge for up to 4 days or bag in a ziplock bag and freeze for later.


    Of course the bread can be made to whatever flavour you so choose. For savoury options add things like olive tapenade, pesto, tomato paste or even marmite. There are endless combinations.

    For a sweet bread recipe simply add a little sweetener 1-2 tbsp to the dough. 

  2. For more low carb bread recipes click here: Low Carb Bread Ideas
